Thursday, February 7, 2008

Hi I'm Laura, one of the St Louis Park Leaders. This is Lawrence University in Appleton WI, my alma mater (that means it's where I went to college). It is a 5 hour drive from the Twin Cities, so sadly, we can't visit it as a group. I had a lot of fun, and the programs were great. I also think it has a very pretty campus. Go Vikings! (our mascot).

i dont ever no want a pitures of but it look cool it be better if you can read the word


Emily here again!! This is where I am from, Duluth, MN!! This bridge leads me to my parents house. It is really cool because the bridge goes up and down when boats need to go through from the Lake to the Bay. So, yeah we all should visit!!

the world come to aend i know we going die
sean paul is my favirote singer beause he don curse as much as 50 cent and he don sing as fast as him and i like alot of song he sing.
this is a chipmunk. one time, a chipmunk was in my porch and it jumped off the wall and onto my back. EEK!

Math is Hard, Even For Geniuses

This is a post for Angel. Now no more complaining, go do your homework. BTW good work on Tuesday.

"Do not worry about your difficulties with Mathematics. I can assure you, mine are still greater."

Good Luck,

this some a superstar live and like tip

I put a picture of the cool kids because i went to their concert and it was completly cool and their music is fun and appealing and they have a really big underground following and they get played on Radio K and we got to visit the radio k station and i was so excited it was the best field trip we've taken thus far

this is a pic of a waterfall but i don't know why i choosed it so i'll just say a little bit.
ok i did this pic when i was in group andd it was fun because i was talking with friends and other people. i did a lot of fun things when i was in group. we went to a lot of places too. sometimes we just hang out where we live. On Tuesday they help us with our homework and they give us snacks too. when ever i have problem they help we with it. (which i didn't have any problems because i was a good girl) the people in group are really nice and there really friendly too.
I would kike to go to egypt because i alway wanted to vsist the pyramid and even explore the pyramid and see if i will find any adventure there even serect that have yet bin uncover.

St. Louis Park Leaders

Hello!! This is Emily and Laura, we are the leaders for the SLP leaders. The picture represents us when we get to hang out with all the people who have been posting on this blog. This year we have been able to do so many things, go to a radio station, t.v. station, College Visits, bell ringing for the Salvation Army and there is more to come. We have a ton of fun peeps in our group. Daren is hilarious. Omesh has a lot of interesting things to say. Kendell asks so many great questions. Angel is SMART. Tasha is great to have in group because she cracks Laura and I up. Lastly, Jessica always has a great story to tell, and they are funny. Also Laura and I are the BOMB, are group is a pretty cool SLP group if must say so my self!!

Favorite Quotes:

This is a picture of Gandhi, which I chose because he also said one of my favorite quotes:
"Freedom is not worht having, if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes"
~Mahatma Gandhi

Im from chicago I like to go there ever summer.

Wish you were here

I like this picture because it reminds me of science class when we learned about the light spectum and how it absorbs and reflects

I also like it because it looks like Pink Floyd's Dark side of the moon laura says