Thursday, February 7, 2008

St. Louis Park Leaders

Hello!! This is Emily and Laura, we are the leaders for the SLP leaders. The picture represents us when we get to hang out with all the people who have been posting on this blog. This year we have been able to do so many things, go to a radio station, t.v. station, College Visits, bell ringing for the Salvation Army and there is more to come. We have a ton of fun peeps in our group. Daren is hilarious. Omesh has a lot of interesting things to say. Kendell asks so many great questions. Angel is SMART. Tasha is great to have in group because she cracks Laura and I up. Lastly, Jessica always has a great story to tell, and they are funny. Also Laura and I are the BOMB, are group is a pretty cool SLP group if must say so my self!!

1 comment:

St. Louis Park Youth said...

what happen with my name being in it